I am Bhumika and I go by the pronouns she/her. I discovered my interest in social entrepreneurship as a member of Enactus in college. Since then, the journey has been a roller coaster ride. The pandemic gave Barkha and I a great opportunity to follow our passion project, The Zero Period. And here we are!
Let's connect!
My Story
The Zero Period was ideated over a casual call between Barkha and I during the pandemic. We were sharing our school experiences and realised that both us faced bullying, body shaming and abuse in some way. So, obviously (maybe not that obvious) we conducted a survey to assess whether our experiences were isolated, but unfortunately they were not.
From cultural activities to home sciences- we see schools invest in building a child's knowledge in diverse areas. Despite this, why are schools still missing out on social ethics, gender studies, sexual health and harassment?
Why is it expected from a child to identify abuse, or navigate through gendered experiences without a learning toolkit or informed support?
I exited school with very limited knowledge on such concepts myself and struggled as I stepped into the real world. Our vision is to see a day when no child leaves their school uninformed about basic social & sexual concepts.